90% of members see their results with 4-5 business days. When we have a hard time reaching your landlord or property management company, it takes a bit more time.
If you are looking to have your rental history added quickly to your credit report, there are a couple things you can do to help us speed up the process when you sign up!
Provide Accurate Information
We will need good contact information or phone number for you, your landlord or property manager. We regularly communicate with our members with emails, phone calls, and text messages. If you are renting from a landlord, keep in mind we will need to verify with the property owner. Read more about the Landlord Process here.
Let your Landlord/Property Management Company know we will be contacting them
We kindly ask our members to contact their landlord/property management company as soon as they can to let them know about us! Ask your landlord/property management company if they can do you favor and complete our verification process. It makes a world of difference when we reach out and can help eliminate phone tag.
Include an email address for your Landlord/Property Management Company if you have one
Often times, landlords and property management companies can be extremely busy. We have the option to send them email verifications and providing an email address upon sign up can help immensely. Providing an email address is not required at all, but we do have the option to email our landlords and property management companies!
And lastly, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, be an active participant!
We're working hard to help you achieve your goals. We love hearing from you and are more than happy to answer any questions you have about the process. We may need a little help from you to get to the finish line, and that's okay because we will work together!Β
If you have any further questions call us at 720-307-1466.